
seo online marketing

Local SEO Benefits for Small Businesses

We will cover topics such as how to optimize your website for local search, how to use local keywords, and how to claim and verify your Google My Business listing.
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What is Local SEO & Why Is It Important?

If your business has local customers, the importance of having good local SEO for your website cannot be overemphasized. Simply put, local SEO experts can provide you with the most important form of advertising you can use to reach new customers within your geographic area. Local SEO is also quite effective at getting repeat customers....
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The Rundown On Google Mobile-First Index Update

Google has announced a roll-out of a new update known as the mobile first-index. This update simply means that Google will be using the mobile platform first to rank your web pages as opposed to the current desktop platform. The shift to a mobile-first index was motivated by the fact that more Google users today...
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